Automatic comment completion in Scala

I have always remembered having the stub for the comments for classes and methods in Scala completed when I type /** and then press enter. However, from couple of sessions I am noticing that this is not happening, I just get the cursor back in the next line.

Is there a setting that accidentally got switched? Any pointers?



Please ensure that `Settings | Editor | General | Smart Keys | Enter | Close block comment` setting is enabled



Thanks - I seem to already have that switched on. 

I poked around some more, and I seem to be having a problem with one file only, which has multiple classes defined in the same file. Things seem to be working fine for other files. May be this is bug?


It indeed might be a bug.
Could you please create a new issue in our bug tracker and attach the file?

If the file has some sensitive information, you can attach it privately.
Alternatively, you could minimise the example or obfuscate the code. 
For example, replace some names with “Dummy”, remove some implementation details. 
But please still ensure the issue exists while you minimise the code.


Sorry - I ended up just recreating the file from scratch. There is probably a bug here, but couldn't log, since it was hard to reproduce with a snippet.

Thanks for the help!


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