Python static property autocomplete list not working in PyCharm

I'm using PyCharm Community Edition 2024.2.4. Autocomplete function lists appear correctly except in the case where I have a static property returning an object instance.

The static property syntax comes from this post: @staticmethod with @property

class staticproperty(property):
  def __get__(self, owner_self, owner_cls):
    return self.fget()

class _ScorecardClass(object):
    _average = 0

    def average_score(self) -> float:
        return self._average

    def average_score(self, value):
        self._average = value

class MainClass(object):

    def _get_scorecard():
        return _ExternalDataProvider._get_scorecard()

    def Scorecard() -> _ScorecardClass:
        r"""Returns the scorecard."""
        return MainClass._get_scorecard()

In calling code, I can access the Scorecard object via its static property as follows:


However, the average_score property is not shown in the popup function list for ScoreCard. If I enter the function name manually, the code runs correctly.

average = MainClass.ScoreCard.average_score

I have the various code-completion options enabled in PyCharm. It seems to work fine for instance properties, but not statics. The auto-complete list displays correctly in VS Code. I have tried Python 3.9 and 3.12 and it's the same in both cases.

If I do:

sc: _ScorecardClass

The sc variable shows the various properties of _ScorecardClass in its autocomplete list, complete with docstring when the property is highlighted.


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Don't all answer at once guys!


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