Packages stuck at 'Loading', everything is super slow (2024.3)


Likely cause: IJPL-171550, fixed in 2024.3.1 (to be released on Dec 3).

Workaround: Install the previous version 2024.2.4 of the IDE.


I just upgraded to 2404.3 on my Mac and Linux machine. On both machines, 2404.3 is unusably slow. I already disabled all downloaded plugins, but it still does not improve much. 

Larger packages just won't open, showing loading… and the IDE just hangs.



I'm in the same situation after update. I invalideted Cache, increase memory but nothing


Same problem, I have tested the 2024.3 RC in a devcontainer and I saw this performance issue when indexing. Now I have updated the host IntelliJ version I have the same problems.

It simply gets stuck when indexing.


robertopicciol rcarmona Each problem with IDE slowness can have a different root cause.

Please submit a new bug report about your problem to YouTrack.

Make sure to provide logs and a CPU snapshot as per this comment.


Boon please reproduce the problem with all plugins disabled and provide for analysis:

  1. IDE logs (entire archive): Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data. I will search for exceptions and check your system environment settings.
  2. A CPU snapshot of at least 20-30 seconds of poor performance: Help | Diagnostic Tools | Start/Stop CPU Usage Profiling

Files can be uploaded privately to our server at Make sure to share the id of the upload here so that I can find it.


Hi Arina, I uploaded the files:

Upload id: 2024_11_14_2116G3auSkkgagMxqAXcjT (files:,


I uploaded another set. The first logs were with the standard Jetbrains Plugins enabled. This now is with all downloaded plugins disabled:

Upload id: 2024_11_14_pA8LawwjKx4HYA86nrJy6x (files:,

I also tried to search for class names which seems not to work or it is too slow.

On my Mac, I downgraded to the previous version, because I have to do some work. I keep 2404.3 on my Linux machine where I can reproduce the issue. 


I created bug IDEA-363250 for this issue.


Same issue here.  It takes 2 cores full cpu time.  I left it running the whole night so it can complete the indexing but this morning, it was still very slow.  A restard didn't helped


Benoit Heurter Please submit a new bug report about your problem to YouTrack.

Make sure to provide logs and a CPU snapshot as per this comment.


Hi team.

I'm experiencing the same. After expanding the project packages it's getting stuck in “Loading” state.

Is there any workaround ? 




Same thing here. Super slow even thought  it's using less memory than before.


Paid money to get such a super slow update !! 


i have slowness as well i cannot update. i downgraded to the 2023 version, your 2024 version doesn't work for me at all and if you search the internet it looks like this is the issue on your side, not the users.


Hassan Azimi What kind of slowness do you have in v2024? Can you provide a few examples?

Does the problem go away if you temporarily disable all of the non-bundled plugins and restart the IDE? File | Settings | Plugins | ⚙ | Disable all downloaded plugins


Arina Efremova I have slowness when using JS, JSX, TS, and TSX files and I'm using an M1 Mac. I downgraded three versions and it's still slow. I'm in Version 2023.3.8 without slowness. It looks like its a PHP storm and I disabled all plugins and left with the bundled plugins.

I'm guessing you mean it is probably a plugin-specific issue, but it's not. Don't these plugins get checked out for bugs before they are released?


Thanks Eric. 

It would help if you submitted a new bug report to YouTrack and provided the following information there for analysis:

  1. IDE logs of v2024.3 (entire archive): Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data. We will search for exceptions, check automatically generated application thread dumps and your system environment settings. Logs can be uploaded privately to our server (make sure to share the id of the upload in the ticket).
  2. A CPU snapshot that captures at least 20-30 seconds of slowness: Help | Diagnostic Tools | Start/Stop CPU Usage Profiling

Plugin API is tightly coupled with our IDE's core API so it's hard to restrict a particular plugin activity in some cases, hence the occasional bugs caused by third-party code. We are working on ways to recognize various error patterns in the logs and apply “fixes” on the go, disabling the offending plugins automatically if needed, as well as informing users about the issue, potential culprits and possible solutions.


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