How to organize what auto completion shows?


The auto completion is showing a ton of suggestions for SQL Server

if I type: select * from customer c where c.. I would like to see the columns from the customer table first. Datagrip starts by showing the global @@ variables and all the functions, system tables, sprocw, and databases and system views… I am lost in this very long list!
In this where clause example, I am only interested in columns from tables in the query.

How do I organize the list of suggestions? I need to either hide a lot of the default suggestions or have them show up at the bottom of the auto suggestion list. 
The way it works now is not productive for me.

1 comment

Looks somehow similar to the following complaint:

Check out Settings | Editor | General | Code Completion | SQL  which options are chosen. For example, select Suggest Objects from the Current Scope.

Other than that, feel free to create a new usability problem on YouTrack




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