Is it a way to open multiple Git differences views
Hi, I am working on a project involving two maven projects each one associated with its own Git repo.
Is it a way to open a Git | Compare With Branch view for each of them, or to pin those views?
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I have one solution for this:
Let’s say we have Repo_1 and Repo_2.
Another possible solution:
You can do a manual comparison by opening two instances of IntelliJ, one for Repo_1 and another for Repo_2.
I hope this may help your problem at least for some extent.
What is the project structure? Are they under the same directory?
If so, you can open both of them inside IDEA and compare in the git log:
And this view can be pinned:
Thanks for your replies, but I am not trying to compare the branches with each other, but each one with its own master, to be able to see concurrently the changes in both of them.
Currently when I Git | Compare with branch: master the second it opens in the same view/window that the first, overriding it.
Can you share screenshot on how do you exactly compare and how is comparison opened?
This is the project structure:
What I want is to view comparison of cdr project with master and hapi-fhir project with master at the same time.
Currently, when I open the second, it overrides the first.
Comparisons are opened by right clicking each project an then Git | Compare with branch
It should not override it.
You can see I have two projects open,
dinotest on branch dino + dinotestino on branch awe.
Additionally, you also should have two master branches. Can you share a video of you comparing it?