Unable to see maven tab IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3 (Ultimate Edition)
Hi I removed the ./idea and reimport a project, and now the maven tab is missing.
Maven home path is set to be Bundled

pom.xml is there

Plugins installed and enabled:

No Maven in the menu

Please help! I've been stuck in loading the project into Intellij the whole day . Thank you!
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This behavior may indicate that IDEA does not recognize the Project as Maven-based.
Please try the following options:
from the Project Tool Window ("Project Files
" view) and select “Add as Maven Project
→ Open as ProjectMaven
" directory from IDEA's System Directory and repeat the process described in step (2)Hello Roman Vatagin,
I am also facing this issue, I am using Toolbox with Windows and Mac. I have cleared the System Directory and restarted still failing.
1. I was using 2024.2.4 and everything working fine
2. Closed the IDE, upgraded from Toolbox to 2024.3 and reopen the IDE. All maven projects are failing compiler not working and showing error on all the java files
3. Downgraded to 2024.2.4 from Toolbox, everything is restored back and working normally
4. Cleared System Directory and retried the step 2, again it was failing and reverted back to older version
5. Upgraded to 2024.2.5, then also everything working fine
6. Now again repeated step 2, same issue
I gueess some issue wtih 2024.3 alone. Earlier versions 2024.2.x everything is good. Can you please check it.
FYI: To check I have entirly uninstalled IntelliJ and deleted complete JetBrains System Directory, still no luck.
Santharamselva Thank you for reporting this!
Could you please share some more details:
Would you be able to share one of the affected Projects?
Based on the description provided, it looks like the issue is with the caches migration that happens during / after the upgrade.
As a possible workaround try renaming / removing all “
IntelliJIdea[Version Number]
” directories, instead of justIntelliJIdea2024.3
, so that 2024.3 is forced to create its caches from scratch instead of re-using the ones from earlier versions.Hello Roman Vatagin,
1. Look like it is affected in existing multi module maven project. Simple maven project there is no issue. Multimodule projects are getting affected
2. When I run maven command from console there is not issue. When I click run application from IDE it shows unable to find the depedendency. Everywhere showing erros and not able to compile and run from IDE
3. I can not share the project details, sorry.
4. I reomved all the directories and retried. Still no luck. 2023.2.4, 2023.2.5 are working without any issue, only issue is with this 2023.3.
Santharamselva Thank you for the update!
Could you please share more details about the errors you are getting (exact error messages, screenshots, etc.) and the IDEA's logs (
Help → Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data
)?You can share the logs using our upload service - please post the upload ID here.
If you could put together a small Project with minimal code that has the same structure, uses this the same dependencies and also exhibits the issue, which you could share - it would be a big help in investigating and resolving the problem!
Hello Ramon,
I have uploaded the collected log and the upload id is : 2024_12_10_suzHQc1CNLJTnrGfqhtaQB .
Today I have upgraded to 2024.3.1 , here also it is failing. The log is collected from 2024.3.1 .
Santharamselva Thank you for sharing the logs!
I see that IDEA's Maven component seems to run out of memory often.
Try increasing the memory available to IDEA, Maven Importer and Maven Runner (via VM options).
I'm also seeing a number of dependencies failing to be resolved. Please make sure the repositories that the Project is using have all of the dependencies the Project needs and try manually removing the
files from your Maven Local.Hello Ramon,
Thanks for the reponse.
I have cleared whole .m2 and project and recloned. Cleared all system folder of IntelliJ Cache. Configured IntelliJ JVM from 2GB to 8GB and Maven opt to 4GB.
Now it is working fine.
Still I am clueless how come with default configuration was working in 2024.2.x . Why these configurations need to be added in 2024.3.x .
Santharamselva Glad to hear the issue is resolved!
It might have been caused by the issues during the upgrade, that prevented the new version from picking up the original version's configuration.
I've encountered the same problem. I had to manually import the module in the “Open Module Settings” or F4. Once I imported the module containing the maven project the maven menu icon appeared.