I can't start any JetBrains IDE on Ubuntu


I've tried to open:

  • Android Studio (from a tarball)
  • Android Studio (from flatpak, because it's supposed to be independent of general dependencies)
  • IntelliJ IDEA Community
  • PyCharm Community

They all produce a log stack trace. Here is a combination of all of them: https://pastebin.com/mJHTRFbi

Here's what I did to try to fix the problem:

For Visual Studio:

  • Delete and reinstall everything several times
  • Uninstall all the Java deb packages and then reinstall the latest OpenJDK. (Although I'm pretty sure the IDEs come with their own Java installation)
  • Delete the matching folder in ~/.config

I don't know what to do next! What could cause a Flatpak, of all things, to fail? Does anyone have an idea?


Hi - the sctack trace points to this issue: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JBR-7112
See if it helps to try various workarounds mentioned by other users in the comments.

Nothing worked until the very last solution. Now there are still many errors when I start Android Studio (I have not checked the rest yet), but it seems to work just as expected.

Now that I know what to look for, I can see many references to fonts in the stack trace.

Thank you!


For reference, in the (unlikely) case anyone ends up on this page, the thing that worked for me was:

sudo apt purge fonts-symbola
sudo rm -rf /var/cache/fontconfig/ && sudo fc-cache -f -v

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