Missing dependencies: module com.intellij.modules.json IC-243.22562.13
When executing the runPluginVerifier process on Github Action, I detected some compatibility issues between the plug-in and IC-243.22562.13 version. How can I resolve these issues so that my plug-in is compatible with the lower (203) and higher versions?
Execution log:
Plugin cn.memoryzy.json:1.7.1 against IC-243.22562.13: 1 compatibility warning. 33 usages of scheduled for removal API and 15 usages of deprecated API
Missing dependencies:
module com.intellij.modules.json (optional): Plugins declaring module 'com.intellij.modules.json' are not found in JetBrains Marketplace https://plugins.jetbrains.com (used for plugin dependencies)
Compatibility warnings (1):
#Plugin does not declare Kotlin plugin mode in the <org.jetbrains.kotlin.supportsKotlinPluginMode> extension.
Plugin depends on the Kotlin plugin (org.jetbrains.kotlin) but does not declare a compatibility mode in the <org.jetbrains.kotlin.supportsKotlinPluginMode> extension. This feature is available for IntelliJ IDEA 2024.2.1 or later. See https://kotlin.github.io/analysis-api/migrating-from-k1.html#declaring-compatibility-with-the-k2-kotlin-mode
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This is a known issue of Plugin Verifier.
See https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/21479962703890-JSON-plugin-dependency-cannot-be-resolved
Do you mean that I can ignore this error message?
All the information is in the linked topic. Could you please check it and continue there if anything is unclear? Thanks.
Okay, thank you.