Debug causes Webstorm to freeze
When I'm debugging using Webstorm/chrome dev tools, if the debug in chrome dev tools goes into a third party JS file, Webstorm freezes. I can't click on anything and continuing the debug will allow the webpage to work, but Webstorm stays frozen.
Killing the browser window doesn't free it either. I'm forced to kill the Webstorm process and launch again to get it working.
This last time, killing the process and re-launching it hasn't fixed it. I'll have to try a reboot.
Rebooting worked, thank goodness, but the original problem persists. Now it seems like killing the process isn't enough.
I'm using:
WebStorm 2024.3
Build #WS-243.21565.180, built on November 11, 2024
Runtime version: 21.0.5+8-b631.16 amd64 (JCEF 122.1.9)
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Windows 10.0
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Concurrent GC, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 4090M
Cores: 4
Non-Bundled Plugins:
Batch Scripts Support (1.0.13) (243.21565.122)
IdeaVIM (2.17.0)
com.github.lppedd.idea-conventional-commit (0.23.1)
ru.adelf.idea.dotenv (2024.3) (243.21565.238)
org.jetbrains.plugins.gitlab (243.21565.204)
org.jetbrains.plugins.github (243.21565.204-ultimate)
org.intellij.prisma (243.21565.120)
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Please share a video recording of the issue plus the logs collected using Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data within a support ticket. This will tell us what the issue looks like on your end and we’ll be able to check if any errors occurred.
Done. Thank you!
For anybody looking at this, Elena pointed me to the IdeaVim plugin being the issue and it is the case. Hopefully they fix it soon!*tqm2a1*_ga*MTIwMjU3MjM2NC4xNzIzMjIwNjUx*_ga_9J976DJZ68*MTczMjU0ODU4OS4yOC4xLjE3MzI1NDg1OTguMC4wLjA.
I have not installed the plugin and it is currently very frustrating to work with WebStorm. I notice it especially when refactoring local variables. It feels as if the whole VM hangs because not even the mouse pointer is visible (50% of the trap).
At first, when using Docker Desktop on Windows, I suspected that it might have something to do with the connection to the Deamon. I was then able to rule that out, as it happened to me even without a running Docker.
I would really appreciate a fix or a hint. You really can't work like this! 😔
Maximilian Fixl The problem you’ve described seems out of the scope of this issue. Can you please create a new youtrack ticket in so we can investigate your problem more thoroughly? Thank you!
Exactly, I am debugging my web project and frequently it gets frozen. Please look into it
Please share a video recording of the issue plus the logs collected using Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data within a support ticket.
Here is the video – 2024_12_01_2AqPkf5FmJGwmWA5qYte7a
Sorry, posted the wrong video, that was a different issue. Please watch this, hopefully, you can see how the IDE gets frozen, in fact, I haven't run the project, just working on something in the editor
This one is not about the debugging as well. Could you please provide the logs in a new support or YouTrack ticket as I previously requested? This would help us to investigate the issue.