Issue with scrolling to correct function in different class when clicked from one class
Description: When clicking a function which leads to another class file in JAVA, the scroller does not take it to the correct function. This beahviour is seen multiple time.
- JAVA language
- Two java classes with some function: Parent(callChild() this internally calls the print() method in child class), Child(print()). Assume the file is large with some other function implementations
Expected Behaviour:
- When clicked on function print() under Parent.callChild() method the Child class should open and the scroller should focus on the print() method in Child class.
Actual Behaviour:
- When clicked on function print() under Parent.callChild() method the Child class opens and the scroller abruptly points at some random function on the Child class.
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Can you provide a sample Java file for this issue?
Jacky Liu I tried creating a file with almost 700 lines and tried replicating the above issue. I was not able to replicate it.
Since I have seen the behaviour in heavy application, I have a hunch that to replicate the same we would need a large codebase. It would be difficult for me to share something that would help you replicate it.
If you have a repo with large codebase in your org please give a try with that, high chance you should be able to replicate it
Hello, can you provide more info about the project, gradle, maven etc with multi-module? The IDEA team works on a pretty big Java repo(the IDEA itself) daily, however, it is mainly based on the IntelliJ build system. Please attach the logs via the menu Help > Collect logs and Diagnostic Data if possible, please upload it to and paste the upload id here, the uploaded file is only visible to JetBrains employees.