Identifying Disposables
Hi Team,I'm asking this in the context of an IntelliJ ToolWindow Plugin.
Is it good to make all classes (leaving plugin services) Disposable and implement dispose with “Disposer.register(myDisposableParent,this);”?
I've the below Disposable implementation to use as a Parent. Can you highlight which ones (from the classes I listed down below ) should I be registering for disposal mandatorily?
@Service(value = {Service.Level.APP, Service.Level.PROJECT})
public final class DisposableParent implements Disposable {
public void dispose() {
public static DisposableParent getInstance() {
return ApplicationManager.getApplication().getService(DisposableParent.class)
; }
public static DisposableParent getInstance(Project project) {
return project.getService(DisposableParent.class);
→ Classes (registered as Plugin Services with Project Level) - Per doc, this gets disposed during project close/plugin unload.
→ Classes(not registered as Plugin Services) - Hope this gets garbage collected
→ EditorEventMulticasterEx's addFocusChangeListener(this is already taken care as it requires passing a disposable and I pass the MessageBus from the project)
→ Objects of Open API components:
JBCefBrowser (I'm already registering for disposal)
DialogWrapper - The doc suggests to use DialogWrapper.getDisposable(). I'm invoking the dialogwrapper using EDT. I'm not sure what would be the right stage/when to dispose this. I doubt if this manual disposal is prone to affect the ongoing operation happening in EDT.
Hence, Instead of myDialogWrapper.getDisposable().dispose(), I prefer to make the DialogWrapper as Disposable and implement dispose() with “Disposer.register(myDisposableParent,this);” Does this look good?
EditorCustomElementRenderer - I prefer to make this class Disposable and implement dispose() with “Disposer.register(myDisposableParent,this);” Does this look good?
Project, ToolWindow, ToolWindowManager, Editor, ActionSystem for ActionGroups and Actions - Any action items to take on these objects for disposal?
IDE Event Dispatcher(registered as a plugin service) is added to IDE Event Queue IdeEventQueue.getInstance().addPostprocessor(myEventDispatcher, project)
. Anything else applicable for disposal here?
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In general, making all classes disposable is not necessary. Only those classes that manage resources that need explicit cleanup (like listeners, UI components, or other heavyweight resources) should implement
.Yes. No need to implement Disposable if you don't need to clean up resources.
Yes. No need to implement Disposable if you don't need to clean up resources.
I don't understand what you do and why. Do you extend JBCefBrowser and override dispose? Do you set up any resource you need to clean up when the browser is disposed?
DialogWrapper.getDisposable should be used as a parent disposable when you register another disposable for cleaning resources. When a dialog is disposed, then its disposable's children will be disposed too. I don't understand what you mean by manual disposing.
Sorry, I don't understand what's the idea here. Dialogs are disposed when they are closed and its getDisposable() allows registering children that will get disposed on dialog close too.
No, registering disposables is usually done when an object is created/initialized, not in the dispose() method. The dispose() method should be used for cleaning up resources - removing listeners, closing connections, etc.
Follow the general rule: use Disposable for classes that manage resources that need explicit cleanup.
Sorry, I don't understand the case.
In general, it seems to me that you could misunderstand the disposables purpose and how it works. I suggest carefully reading documentation: