Warning From Plugin Verifier
Hi Team,
The Plugin Verifier warns me with the below message. I'm not referring to any bundled plugin as on today and the cwm-plugin seems to be IDE related. Should this be acted upon?
2024-12-02T12:25:35 [main] WARN c.j.p.structure.ide.IdeManagerImpl - Failed to read bundled plugin 'plugins\cwm-plugin': Plugin 'plugins\cwm-plugin' is invalid: Invalid plugin descriptor 'plugin.xml'. The <release-version> parameter [2022300] and the plugin version [223.8836.41] should have a matching beginning. For example, release version '20201' should match plugin version 2020.1.1
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this is a known issue with the Platform distribution layout. Please ignore it, as this is not actionable from your side.
Sure, Thanks!