Obsolete entries in workspace.xml


I am using 2024.1.3.

My workspace.xml for multiple projects contains the same obsolete entries.  Here is an example:

  <component name="GradleLocalSettings">
    <option name="modificationStamps">
        <entry key="$JAVA_LIB_HOME$/jPOS-2_0_4" value="8671601004000" />

The problem this causes is the the path variable JAVA_LIB_HOME doesn't exist anymore.  (I don't need it.)  There are many other entries in this map and they are all very old (years.)

I traced this to a binary file under my user's AppData folder caches/content.dat but I don't know how to edit it.

What can I do to get rid of this cruft permanently?



Hi John, please check Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle to see if you have any customized settings or not.

I don't know what the defaults are, but Gradle home is .gradle under my user folder (Windows).  The two boxes are unchecked.



Hi John, may I know will this entry be automatically added when you create a new java project or new gradle project in their workspace.xml? Or the entry only exists in some old projects which are created long time ago?

I don't know where the list comes from but the projects in it are 6-8 years old and don't even exist on my current workstation.  I create new projects all the time but they are not in the list.

Hi John, sorry to tell that this may be caused by some customized settings in old IntelliJ IDE versions. If you don't mind to rebuild the project indexing (./.idea folder and *.iml file), please try the following steps (make sure .idea and iml files are backed up before removing):
1. Close the IDE, go to the project directory, back up and delete the entire `.idea` folder and any `.iml` files from its root
2. In the IDE, go to File | New | Project from existing sources, select the project's source (root directory or main build file)
3. Wait for indexing to finish

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