Obsolete entries in workspace.xml
I am using 2024.1.3.
My workspace.xml for multiple projects contains the same obsolete entries. Here is an example:
<component name="GradleLocalSettings">
<option name="modificationStamps">
<entry key="$JAVA_LIB_HOME$/jPOS-2_0_4" value="8671601004000" />
The problem this causes is the the path variable JAVA_LIB_HOME doesn't exist anymore. (I don't need it.) There are many other entries in this map and they are all very old (years.)
I traced this to a binary file under my user's AppData folder caches/content.dat but I don't know how to edit it.
What can I do to get rid of this cruft permanently?
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I don't know what the defaults are, but Gradle home is .gradle under my user folder (Windows). The two boxes are unchecked.
I don't know where the list comes from but the projects in it are 6-8 years old and don't even exist on my current workstation. I create new projects all the time but they are not in the list.
1. Close the IDE, go to the project directory, back up and delete the entire `.idea` folder and any `.iml` files from its root
2. In the IDE, go to File | New | Project from existing sources, select the project's source (root directory or main build file)
3. Wait for indexing to finish