can IDEA be configured to download source code for dependencies from version control?


So far I haven't found any way to configure IDEA to fetch source code from our GitHub repo for our internal dependencies.

For 3rd-party dependencies that come from whatever external repositories are specified in the gradle `repositories` block, if I click on the “Download sources” link, it works just fine.  For our own internal libraries, for which we don't publish a sources jar, that doesn't work.  I can of course choose instead to use “Choose sources”, but that requires me to clone the GitHub repos for all of our internal libraries to my local machine.  Is there any way to configure IDEA to pull the source code from a GitHub repo?

1 comment

Hello, Sam!

Thank you for reporting this!

This does appear to be a good feature to add to the product's functionality.

I've created YouTrack Issue IDEA-364457 for it and assigned it to the R&D Team.

Please keep an eye on it for further updates!


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