Kotlin notebook and scrach files issues
IDEA version: Intellij IDEA 2024.3 (Ultimate Edition)
Kotlin plugin: K2 mode
I have been trying to get the Kotlin notebook and scratch files work for a while but they just don't run.
I suspect this is because my project is on WSL. (IDEA is run from Windows but the project files are stored under WSL directories)
I also don't see the Kotlin REPL option in tools menu either.

Please let me know if this is expected.
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Since the problem seems to be Kotlin-specific, our Kotlin team will take a look at it as soon as they get a chance.
It might take a while to receive a reply, but rest assured that your request will be addressed.
Thank you for your report.
Kotlin Notebook and REPL aren't supported by K2 mode yet, but we're actively working on this. You can disable the K2 mode to make them work again. However, you should be able to create and run a scratch file in K2 mode.
To further analyze the issue, I would appreciate if you could provide a detailed, runnable code sample or project that reproduces the problem. Please use the following link to create a new ticket and upload your project or code: http://kotl.in/issue