root directory of project view is now one directory up from my project. I think I accidentally change something but not sure what
I have a cmake project that has been working fine and all along the project view correctly showed my project directoy as the top directory of the view. Then suddenly it started showing from one directory higher. It still knows what cmake file to use for builds. Also my terminal windows in Clion likewise default to that higher directory. I tried to use the Change Project Root option but it already shows the correct root directory.
Any ideas?
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Also, I noticed that my commit tool now has the wrong root.
Well I sort of figured it out. I reverted some recent changes from git and then managed to recreate the problem I described as I redid things a step at a time. I had created a cmake directory in my project and moved a top level cmake include file I had into that directory. Clion asked if I wanted to find references to that cmake include file as part of refactoring. I agreed and when it completed my project view went to the higher (above my project) level directory. Reverting changes corrected it. So I then redid those same changes but told it NOT to find and fix references to that cmake include file. I instead edited the few files that referenced that cmake include file manually and all was well.
Odd, but at least I running well now.