Rider: solutionExplorerCustomization no longer supported
It seems that the extension point “com.intellij.solutionExplorerCustomization” is not recognized in Rider 2024.3 and possibly on earlier versions.
What should we use instead? Or is solution explorer no longer customisable?
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The EP is still available.
Please describe your problem in more detail. Is it a problem only at runtime? Did you change your build setup?
The import
The file plugin.xml shows the error:
Relevant parts of my build.gradle:
You target 2024.3, which is not possible with Gradle IntelliJ Plugin 1.x:
Please migrate to 2.x:
I see, thank you.
Could you please advise me on how to update the build.gradle?
I updated the plugins part:
But I couldn't figure what to set in the intellijPlatform config:
Which fails with
Thank you
Please share your full Gradle build script (including gradle.properties and settings.gradle).
My build.gradle
It seems that your build script is missing the intellijPlatform artifacts repository:
For more details, see https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/tools-intellij-platform-gradle-plugin-repositories-extension.html.
Thank you, this worked
Well the build worked, but plugin verification failed with the following. Can you please advise?
Internal url: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/13185-interface-pairing/edit/versions/stable/658492#verification-results
this is an issue with Plugin Verifier, especially with handling of Rider components. Please treat it as a false positive for now. This issue is already under investigation.