Cancelling my subscription till JetBrains fixes the debugger for multiple threads


Reported nearly a year ago.  And despite multiple releases the issue is not fixed. I constantly am frustrated with debugger inability to properly debug multiple threads. Cannot justify continuing paying for a product when the vendor refuses to fix the acknowledged issue.

After years of using and paying for support our relationship has come to an end. Tired of being disrespected.

1 comment

Hi Rw6,

Unfortunately, we have a lot of issues with higher priority, so some issues have to be pushed back.

Please make sure to put a vote on the issue and leave a comment. A high number of votes/comments make the issue more visible and helps to elevate it's priority.

We have raised it's priority to Major, but, unfortunately, it's not on our roadmap at the moment, as we have a lot of other Major and Critical issues that we need to prioritize higher.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


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