Pycharm Community indecipherable after Xubuntu 24.04 upgrade


I had Pycharm community installed over Xubuntu 24.04. After an upgrade in OS, Pycharm becomes indecipherable. I've tried upgrade and re install Pycharm without any success.

The splash screen is like this above. 

Can anyone, please, tell me what happened and how can i fix it?


I thank you in advance.

Hello there,
Looks like the default font was substituted with an odd one, not reproducible for me, unfortunately, on other Debian and RHEL distributions.
Please create a new issue on YouTrack on this matter, attach relevant screenshots and IDE logs for quicker processing.

Thank you Daniil Bogdanov.

I had tried to change the desktop environment to MATE but unsuccessfully and when I tried to purge MATE I couldn't return to the XFCE either. In resume, I had to  re install Linux.

Now I am running Mint Cinnamon and everything is OK.

Thank you anyway.


Hi, again.

The problem returns, now over Mint22 XFCE but when I change the desktop environment to Cinnamom, it persists.

It seems to be something related to Java libraries.

If someone faced the same problem and solve it, please let me know how.

Merry Christmas for all.


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