File content saving
Hello, I have a problem about file saving, and psi operation is used.Take the example of saving an xml type file.
1. I get the document of the file and save the contents of the file
val document = readAction(file::findDocument)
val documentManager = FileDocumentManager.getInstance()
2. After saving I look for the psi file of the current file and parse it
val findFile = PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(file)
val xmlFile = findFile as XmlFile
xmlFile.accept(object : XmlRecursiveElementVisitor() {
override fun visitXmlTag(tag: XmlTag) {
The problem is that when the xml file is saved and parsed again with psi, it is not the latest file content,I need your help
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Try to commit your document with
:Thank you very much for your answer, the problem has been solved