made some new icons for IJ


Look I made some icons I'll open source right here and now. Viola... I open source these icons under the linked license whose name is: GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007     

They seem to want to get rid of text and letters in their UI for some reason, so I thought I'd help them out in a way that doesn't trash all meaning. 


Classes Records and Enums:

class - light blue circle

abstract class - light blue circle with horizontal white line through middle

abstract class implementation -light blue circle with horizontal dark line through middle

exception - light blue circle with lightening bolt through it (as is)

class with main- light blue circle with green arrow appended to ULHC (as is)

enum- light blue circle with vertical dark line through middle

final class - light blue circle with nail or tack on URHC ( as is)

static class- light blue circle with static symbol (as is)

record - yellow circle with vertical line through the middle




interface (abstract) - green circle with horizontal white line through the middle

interface with default methods - green circle with horizontal dark line through the middle




method - orange circle

abstract method - orange circle with horizontal white line through the middle

abstract method implementation - orange circle horizontal with dark line through the middle

default method- orange circle with vertical dark line through the middle




field - pink circle '

unassigned field - pink circle with white line through middle (null, not default, value)




private, public main, protected final and static appendages as is.




blue - class enum exception... most basic centralizing color

green - interface ... unrealized

pink - field .. additional helper state

orange - method .. action

yellow - record .. manila folder of information



white horizontal line - missing some aspect

dark horizontal line- missing aspect having been completed

dark vertical line - from implemented where such implementation is not the norm --> inherently final or unextensible in character


So these are similar to the ones we have now but with more distinctions being represented and a particular use of color and shape to code (deducible, inferrable)   meaning .







Thank you for your initiative. To further explore this so other users could benefit, you might consider implementing a theme plugin with custom icon pack. Please refer to the Plugin SDK documentation if you would like to take this opportunity.


I'll have a look at that… didn't look complicated at first glance. Do you know- if I don't like the new UI, can I theme my back to something like the  “old”  UI or it that going to be practically impossible? 


java developer to bring back the old UI, you can install the Classic UI plugin from the marketplace (available via IDE Settings | Plugins). We are committed to maintain it at least until July, 2025. 

There are also third-party plugin options for icons only that you might want to try - for example, Colorful icons for tool windows.


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