Running JUnit tests in IDEA does not respect configured System Properties or argLine of maven-surefire-plugin
In the configuration of my Maven Surefire Plugin there's a system property being set:
<! -- <argLine>-Dslf4j.provider=ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LogbackServiceProvider</argLine> -->
<!-- Suppress warning "Class path contains multiple SLF4J providers" which is caused by bundled SimpleServiceProvider in Maven -->
When I run mvn test
from the Maven tool window this works as expected.
However, when running a single Test class (e. g. with Ctrl + Shift + F10), the configured system property is not applied - which I notice from warnings during the execution of the test.
In my project's settings, Maven - Running Tests, I have activated all checkboxes for lineArg, System Properties and Environment Variables.
Having that said, when I enable argLine
in my POM, this isn't applied also.
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Hello, Peter!
Thank you for reporting this!
This appears to be a known issue described in IDEA-159973 - please make sure to upvote it to raise its' priority for the developers.
Thanks Roman for pointing this out. I didn't find that issue via Google.