How do I get WebStorm-added JavaScript imports to include a leading forward slash?
When I paste code or use WebStorm to add an import, it adds it relative to my project root, which is what I want, but I always have to manually add the leading slash. In other words, it'll add:
import { foo } from 'imports/api/foo.js' // error
when what I want is:
import { foo } from '/imports/api/foo.js' // leading slash 👍
My settings are pictured below. Is anyone aware of a solution for this?
My project is Meteor-based ("MeteorJS").
Thank you.

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With the Use paths relative to the project, resource or source root option enabled, all imports are generated with relative paths; there is no way to turn them into absolute URLs with leading slashes.
As a workaround, you can try defining slash as a path prefix in jsconfig.json and disabling the Use paths relative to the project option, like:
Oh my god, that worked. Bless your heart. 🥲🥲🥲🥲