Custom LineMarkInfo Repeat
Why the LineMarkInfo display repeatedly :

All my code is following:
public class BookmarkLineMarkerProvider implements LineMarkerProvider {
public LineMarkerInfo<?> getLineMarkerInfo(@NotNull PsiElement element) {
return null;
public void collectSlowLineMarkers(@NotNull List<? extends PsiElement> elements, @NotNull Collection<? super LineMarkerInfo<?>> result) {
if (elements.isEmpty()) {
Project project = elements.get(0).getProject();
BookmarksManager manager = BookmarksManager.getInstance(project);
FileMarksCache fileMarksCache = manager.getFileMarksCache();
Set<Integer> lineNumbers = new HashSet<>();
for (PsiElement element : elements) {
PsiFile file = element.getContainingFile();
String path = file.getVirtualFile().getPath();
Document document = file.getViewProvider().getDocument();
int number = document.getLineNumber(element.getTextOffset());
if (!lineNumbers.add(number)) {
Optional<BookmarkNodeModel> nodeModel = fileMarksCache.findModel(path, number);
if (nodeModel.isEmpty()) {
LineMarkerInfo<PsiElement> markerInfo = new BkLineMarkerInfo(
(ev, el) -> {
static class BkLineMarkerInfo extends LineMarkerInfo<PsiElement> {
private final BookmarkNodeModel model;
public BkLineMarkerInfo(BookmarkNodeModel model,
@NotNull PsiElement element,
GutterIconNavigationHandler<PsiElement> navHandler) {
super(element, element.getTextRange(), MyIcons.BOOKMARK, null, navHandler, GutterIconRenderer.Alignment.LEFT, model::getName);
this.model = model;
public GutterIconRenderer createGutterRenderer() {
return new LineMarkerGutterIconRenderer<>(this) {
public @NotNull ActionGroup getPopupMenuActions() {
DefaultActionGroup actionGroup = new DefaultActionGroup();
actionGroup.add(new BookmarkEditAction(model));
actionGroup.add(new BookmarkRemoveAction(model));
return actionGroup;
public String getLineMarkerTooltip() {
return model.getDesc();
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Did you try to debug the code? Isn't
executed multiple times for a single line?I used
if (!lineNumbers.add(number))
to ensure that it executed only one time,and I have tried to save the line number to BkLineMarkerInfo , then I got two same BkLineMarkerInfoAnd I don't understand why the icon "I" that represents the interface implementation sometimes turns into two, this is not my custom icon
This problem comes with the following warning:
I want to implement line markup like IDEA's bookmarks and bind the markup to the line instead of the specific element. How do I do this
This API is for creating line markers for particular PSI elements.
If you want to create gutter icons for lines, consider using