Specify python for conversion of jupyter notebook


I am running Jupyter notebooks in Pycharm using a Remote Python Docker configured in the project settings. The notebooks are working fine. However, when trying to convert the notebook using “Refactor → Export Notebook As …” I always get the following error: 

/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3: No module named jupyter

It seems although the Jupyter server and the project's python interpreter are configured for using the container, this command is trying to use a local python (which is not even the system's default). Is there any option in Pycharm for defining the interpreter for this command? 



1 comment
Hello Corina, 
Thank you for reporting this problem. I successfully reproduced the issue on our side and created a bug report on this matter: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-77880/Unable-to-convert-Jupyter-notebook
Please vote for it and join the discussion to get updates regarding issue status and possible workarounds.

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