Problem with command line in gradle


I have a very odd problem in gradle when running inside Intellij on a Macbook

I'm executing a Gradle task as an exec trying to run yarn in the following way (simplified)

tasks.register('yarn', Exec) {
    commandLine 'yarn'

This runs from a zsh command line, but fails when run from Intellij, with the following error:

Caused by: Cannot run program "yarn" (in directory "/Users/..."): error=2, No such file or directory
    at net.rubygrapefruit.platform.internal.DefaultProcessLauncher.start(
    ... 7 more
Caused by: error=2, No such file or directory
    ... 8 more


I thought this must be a PATH problem, but yarn is definitely on the path and a similar execute of:

tasks.register('whichyarn', Exec) {
    commandLine 'which', 'yarn'

Executes successfully returning the expected location of yarn as ‘/opt/homebrew/bin/yarn

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be going wrong here, or any additional steps to diagnose the problem?



Some more data points:

This also happens trying to run commandLine ‘node’, …

it works from a terminal, but fails when run inside gradlew, but node (and yarn) are clearly on the PATH in gradle in Intellij gradle environment.

Also, if I execute the exact path to node or yarn (for example) it works, so this succeeds.

commandLine “/opt/homebrew/bin/yarn”

GUI apps and terminal apps normally have a different set of environment variables on macOS(it's an Apple system limitation). If you start IntelliJ IDEA from the terminal per, it should have the same environment in its built-in Terminal.

See also for the ways to set env variables on macOS so that they are the same for all the apps.

Try running /Applications/IntelliJ\ instead. is not designed for Mac and will not work without some manual changes.

Another option is to create the command line launcher: Tools | Create Command-line Launcher.

If you are using Toolbox, it provides a way to create the command launcher automatically.

see also:


Jacky Liu, thanks for the reply it's definitely worth looking into.

What I don't understand if it's a simple matter of Intellij not having the correct environment is why:

commandLine: ‘which’, ‘yarn’  returns the correct yarn, or println System.getEnv('PATH') returns a path with both node and yarn on the path (it also seems to be the exact path for my user profile)

This seems to be a problem with Intellij not passing the path to the executor


Hello, this is not a bug but a macOS GUI app limitation. Please check the instructions at  my post

Double click this app via the finder or using Terminal will fix the issue: /Applications/IntelliJ\



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