Where to change the port for remote Javascript Debugging

I want to debug an Angular app and set up a Javascript Debug configuration. Somehow the forum does not let me upload screenshots of the configuration but it's pretty standard, no “Before launch” operations and no “Remote URLs of local files” are configured. That's pretty much everything you can set up in this dialog. 

When I click the debug button and Webstorm tries to connect to my browser (Microsoft Edge), I receive an error message:

Waiting for connection to localhost:57159.  Please ensure that the browser was started successfully with remote debugging port opened. Port cannot be opened if Chrome having the same User Data Directory is already launched. More info… Try another port…

I would like to change the port that Webstorm uses to connect to my browser. How can I do that? 

1 comment

There is noway to specify the port explicitly. You can force the IDE to use a different port by shutting down the IDE and then removing both '<IDE config dir>\options\web-browsers.xml' and '<IDE config dir>\options\other.xml' files

If the issue persists, please make sure that no Chrome instances are running when you start the debugger. 

Similar problems can also occur on Linux systems when using Chromium installed with snap due to permissions issues. See https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-38511#focus=Comments-27-4472759.0-0 for more info/workaround.


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