I am concerned that I might have used a paid or pay to use service. Requesting clarification.
I am copy pasting the complete support ticket i created:
Problem with the shortcuts in the Community Edition of PyCharm
Today at 20:00
Hi, I recently installed the Community Version of PyCharm fro my course work and i am facing an issue where the shortcut command + N dosent open a new file, instead it gives me this menu with 2 options Generate and Copyright. I was wondering what am i doing wrong.
I did some research about this and i was wondering is the Copyright feature free to use in the Community edition, i want to primarily use it to insert the current date, day and time when i make new python files.
Please clarify the above issue.
Today at 20:03
Also, to update this ticket, its asking me to login into “HUB”, so i did via google, is using this service paid ?
If so i do not wish to continue using this service, and request to delete my account.
Today at 20:08
Additionally, it also forced me to create and accept the Terms and Conditions for something called “YouTrack”. I am just afraid it these services are paid, as a student i don't have the money to pay for these services and hence can you please delete the account in case these services are paid, i don't not wish to use them and had no intention to create them.
Thanks for your time and patience, I am awaiting clarification.
Today at 20:19
Also, i am really confused about “HUB”, “You Track”, “Market Place” and “Website”. I am afraid i might have signed up for something that's paid / pay as you use service type and hence i kindly request you to delete / revoke access if these services are paid. I don't now wish / am unable to pay due to financial issues as a student.
I was guided here because the confirmation email i gto when i filled the support ticket has a link and instructed me to use it to update / add additional comments.
I am gone to the Jet Brains website and clicked the product support → PyCharm → Contact Support and proceed to fill the ticket, i didnt understand how to get support on the public form / stack overflow as i dont use both and usually just fill out support forms / send emails.
No where did it tell me if this support ticket form was for paid users and so i continued to fill the form and gave the email that i get on a regular basis which happens to be my school email address.
I filled the support tickets for both “YouTrack” and “HUB” on their respective websites, i am as of not unable to delete the account i created. I am removing any links and names for privacy reasons.
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