Split Bottom Window between Debugger and Terminal


I want to do something extremely simple and still unable to do it: I would like to split the bottom window between the Java debugger and the terminal. (reason being that I run my app through the terminal rather than through the run window).
The post https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/6966413841042--How-to-how-to-have-debugger-window-and-terminal-open-at-the-same-time-in-one-panel?input_string=Split%20Bottom%20Window%20between%20Debugger%20and%20Terminal does not seem to work for the current version

1 comment

Hi Ngx472,

You need to right-click on the tool window icon on the sidebar and choose “Move to → Bottom Right”:

Then it will be available in split mode with any other tool window opened at the bottom left:

See also https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/manipulating-the-tool-windows.html


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