Is it just me, or does Code Folding hurt your brain?

I typically want this one kind of folding all the time… 

    class Foo:
[+]     def __init__(self):...

[+]     def bar(self):...

That is, each method folded up in a class. I generally can accomplish this kind of collapsing by using the command “Expand All Level: 1” from anywhere in the code. Weird, but fine, I guess. If I do this in global-scope, it doesn't collapse global-scope stuff, but ok, I guess level-1 means “indented once”? 

If I want to unfold my class again… “Expand All” expands SOME stuff (global-scope things and some comments in class-scope?) and then a second “Expand All” actually expands my class-scope stuff. AFAIK, “Expand All Recursively” does nothing. 

Is this really what you intended JetBrains? “Expand All Level 1” is a good way to collapse class-scope and “Expand All” takes two tries to actually expand all? I only remember this non-intuitive stuff some of the time. 

Perhaps the other folding commands (various levels; recursively) are useful to some people, but it's not me. “Collapse all comments” or “Collapse all methods” or “Collapse everything” would be better commands, for instance, among others I'm sure. 

Thanks for reading.


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