creating .gitignore template

Hi !
is there a trick to creating a .gitignore template to use in the “new” context dropdown?

i added the file , but think the naming is the problem.

it wont accept .gitignore and .gitignore (without extension) is …well ignored  and doesnt display

as a work around i used gitignore.gitignore and have to rename it every time, but that cant be the solution


ah, worked it out (but if anyone has a better idea 

name: git
extension: <empty>

file name: .gitignore

it looks like it has a VUE icon 



Adding .gitignore should work without issues (just tried)

However, for easier usage, I recommend:

1) Go to Settings | Editor | File and Code Templates

2) Create template (plus sign)

3) name it gitignore, (extension also gitginore) + you can add a template

4) Apply

This way, when you go to New when creating a new file, gitignore will appear automatically:



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