How to structure project with venv in root of project folder for search and scopes?
I work with several python projects that as part of setup, or packaging or testing, they create a virtual environment in the root of the project.
In the default case this makes a problem for the default “find in files” i.e. ctrl-shift-F as its going to search all of the project and all of the libraries in “.venv”. This is not usually that useful.
Initially I was setting these directories to "Marked as excluded" which works pretty well. Those dirs are not included in searches, and they are used when navigating to to super class and definitions
However now those directories cannot be used in scopes. My usually use case is that I am working on some code which depends on one or two librariies, so to avoid a deeply nested project folder, is to create a scope which includes just the dirs and subdirs relevant. however due to marked as excluded they don't show up.
I am wondering what is the best way to achive this? i.e. filter down the files being shown in the navigator, and have option to search or exclude in searches?
It seems like scopes and “marked as excluded” don't work well together unless I am missing something
Is there a recommended way to set this up
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