Custom SearchScope is shown under a wrong SearchScopeProvider
Hi there,
I want to implement a ChooseByNameContributorEx
, so that it could contribute custom Symbol
s to the Search Everywhere. These custom Symbol
s should be shown only if All SPARQL Endpoints
search scope is selected.
The problem as you can see from the screenshot below is that All SPARQL Endpoints
search scope is shown under Data Sources
, not RDF and SPARQL
Why does it happen?
I cannot inspect the code of the Data Sources provider, because it's closed source.

The code of the search scope provider and search scope are below.
package com.sharedvocabs.plugins.rdfandsparql.sparql
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataContext
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
class RDFAndSPARQLSearchScopeProvider : SearchScopeProvider {
override fun getDisplayName(): String = "RDF and SPARQL"
override fun getSearchScopes(project: Project, dataContext: DataContext): List<SearchScope> {
return listOf(SPARQLEndpointSearchScope(project))
package com.sharedvocabs.plugins.rdfandsparql.sparql
import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile
import com.sharedvocabs.plugins.rdfandsparql.icons.RDFAndSPARQLIcons
import javax.swing.Icon
class SPARQLEndpointSearchScope(project: Project) : GlobalSearchScope(project) {
override fun getDisplayName(): String = "All SPARQL Endpoints"
override fun getIcon(): Icon = RDFAndSPARQLIcons.ToolWindowSPARQLEndpoint
override fun contains(file: VirtualFile): Boolean = false
override fun isSearchInModuleContent(aModule: Module): Boolean = false
override fun isSearchInLibraries(): Boolean = false
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1. In what IDEs does that happen?
2. What is the registration in plugin.xml?
Yann Cebron Currently, I'm developing against IU 243.21565.193. In plugin.xml, I have the following line:
Sorry for delay, could you try adding
to registration in plugin.xml? If it doesn't help, please file issue here: Thanks.