New maven artifacts are not automatically added to my build
Hi, I'm working on a web application and for some odd reason whenever I bump the version of a dependency or add a new dependency to my pom.xml file, it is not automatically added to the lib directory of my build and as a result is missing in the created web archive file or the exploded directory.
I noticed that when I add a dependency or bump the version, it shows up under the “Dispo-Monitor” node in the “Available Elements” panel of my build configuration (Project Settings → Artifacts). From there I would have to drag and drop it to the lib folder to include it in the build. Is there a way to have IDEA automatically add all dependencies to the output root automatically without manually having to drag & drop it from the “Available Elements” panel to the folder in this dialog first?
I do not use the bundled maven in IDEA settings, but I configured a Maven home path to my local Maven version 3.9.8.
Here's a screenshot:
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Could you please let me know if those Artifacts we created automatically by IDEA (based on the Maven configuration) or if you created them manually from scratch?
If it is the latter, Maven-level changes won't be applied to the Artifacts automatically.