Missing remote library path on docker interpreter


I want to use PyCharm to connect to a docker container and run some scripts. However, PyCharm does not seem to recognize a path for external libraries, which results in an import error.

Note that this only happens when running the script from the IDE. When I run this in the console on the docker container, it works fine.

When I print $PYTHONPATH in the console, I get:

When I print $PYTHONPATH with a script run from the IDE, I get:

So the part that is missing is /root/tmp_catkin_ws/devel/lib/python2.7/dist-packages , this is exactly where the missing python libs are located. I am not sure how to tell PyCharm to include this path.

I tried setting the PYTHONPATH environment variable for the remote docker python interpreter, but this seems to be doing nothing.


Any tips?



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