Unable to launch remote IDE on dev container from PyCharm: Error occurred while executing command host-status

I cannot launch the remote IDE based on the following (vanilla) dev container config.

	"name": "Python 3",
	"image": "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/python:1-3.12-bullseye",
  "customizations" : {
    "jetbrains" : {
      "backend" : "PyCharm"

I am running on Mac Silicon. Mac Book Pro (M4) OS 15.2. The dev container is run from a local docker image on this machine.

Build of all Docker Images completes successfully, but connecting to the IDE fails with the error:

Details: An error occurred while executing command: 'host-status --ide-path=/.jbdevcontainer/JetBrains/RemoteDev/dist/8a86e2fc83690_pycharm-professional-243.23654.74-aarch64 --project-path=/IdeaProjects/HelloPyCharm' Exit code: 1

Logging into the Docker container the error log file looks like an issue with the JVM:

Any thoughts. Thx.

Official comment

Hi Acko

This seems to be a known and replicated issue affecting  JVM on M4 CPU


There  are possible solutions that you could give a try by editing the .vmoptions  or add  custom VM options   

 -XX:UseSVE=0 (from Help → Edit Custom VM Options)

Please let me know if this works for you

Kind regards,

That does it! Thank you.

In this instance, editing the .vmoptions file inside the dev container seems to be the only appropriate solution.

Editing the Custom VM Options inside the IDE running outside the dev container has no impact on the IDE which previously failed to start inside the dev container.

Hence, the correct work around seems to be: build the dev container; inside the container, edit the .vmoptions file to add the  -XX:UseSVE=0 option; then connect to the dev container. That will ensure the IDE can successfully launch inside the dev container.



Hey Acko 

Glad this worked for you, 

Feel free to keep an eye on the original case for any further developments and do not hesitate to reach out if any further inquires.

Kind regards,


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