When returning multiple references from PsiReferenceProvider#getReferencesByElement, the highlighting effect is gone


The BNF structure looks like this:

positive-prop ::= prop-name prop-args? {
    pin = 1
    methods=[getPsi getName setName]
prop-name ::= IDENTIFIER | "null"
prop-args ::= "(" value ("," value)* ")"

The implementation of PsiReferenceProvider#getReferencesByElement is as follows:

override fun registerReferenceProviders(registrar: PsiReferenceRegistrar) {
        object : PsiReferenceProvider() {
            override fun getReferencesByElement(element: PsiElement, context: ProcessingContext): Array<PsiReference> {
                element as DTOPositiveProp
                val propArgs = element.propArgs
                return if (propArgs == null) {
                    arrayOf(DTOReference(element, element.propName.textRangeInParent))
                } else {
                            .map {
                                val valueStart = it.textRangeInParent.startOffset
                                val argStart = it.parent.textRangeInParent.startOffset
                                val valueInArgStart = argStart + valueStart
                                DTOValueReference(it, element, TextRange(valueInArgStart, valueInArgStart + it.textLength))

The DTOValueReference is implemented as follows:

class DTOValueReference(private val value: DTOValue, element: PsiElement, textRange: TextRange) : PsiReferenceBase<PsiElement>(element, textRange) {
    override fun resolve(): PsiElement? {
        val project = value.project
        val entityFile = value.virtualFile.entityFile(project) ?: throw IllegalStateException()
        val propName = value.text
        val prop = value.parent.parent as DTOPositiveProp

        return when (entityFile.language) {
            Language.Java -> {
                val clazz = prop.psiClass()
                clazz.methods().find { it.name == propName }

            Language.Kotlin -> {
                val clazz = prop.ktClass()
                clazz.properties().find { it.name == propName }

The actual runtime case where one DTOValueReference is returned:

The actual runtime case where more than one DTOValueReference is returned:

As you can see, when one DTOValueReference is returned, it's exactly as expected; when more than one DTOValueReference is returned, the highlighting of each DTOValue is lost, but other things such as documentation and reference parsing are as expected.



This looks suspicious to me:

class DTOValueReference(private val value: DTOValue, element: PsiElement, textRange: TextRange) : PsiReferenceBase<PsiElement>(element, textRange) {

This is a reference for a value, but you pass an element instead of a value to the PsiReferenceBase constructor.


Yes... it's quite possible that my parsing element is "value," while the "element" is a parent of "value". I'll give it a try!


Here's the situation:
My BNF structure is as follows: value belongs to prop-args, and prop-args belong to positive-prop.
My logic is this: value needs to be resolved as DTOValueReference, and positive-prop also needs to be resolved as DTOReference. Herein lies a problem:
When registering structures in registerReferenceProvider, if the pattern is set for positive-prop, whether I write a separate registerReferenceProvider for value or include “prop or value” in the same pattern, the actual runtime behavior is that clicking on prop-name triggers parsing for prop; clicking on value also triggers parsing for prop, causing confusion in logic. This is why I created a base class for elements (DTONamedElement) and two reference classes (DTOReference, DTOValueReference), and why I handled the reference for value specially in PsiReferenceProvider.
However, I have now thought of a potential solution, which is to stop creating reference parsing for prop and instead only do it for prop-name. This way, name and value would not have a parent-child relationship, which should prevent the confusion in reference parsing when clicking on elements.
I am going to try this new approach.


Exactly, that's how it is! The issue has been resolved, thank you, Karol Lewandowski!


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