Android Studio plugin not resolving dependency for 243.22562.218


I've attempted to pulish the latest iteration of build-variant-matrix for Android Studio Meerkat canary 9 to the marketplace but getting the following dependency resolution error:

Dependencies of Build Variant Matrix Selector 1.4.2 specified in plugin.xml are resolved with respect to Android Studio AI-243.22562.218.2431.12894773. Java 21.0.5 was used for verification.

com.nilsenlabs.flavormatrix 1.4.2
+--- (failed) Plugin doesn't have a build compatible with AI-243.22562.218.2431.12894773 in JetBrains Marketplace (used for plugin dependencies)
\--- com.intellij 243.22562.218.2431.12894773 [declaring module com.intellij.modules.androidstudio],

that's weird, given that I'm literaly looking at  a build for `` at the store here, published 19th of december 2024.

Everything works fine locally when I build the plugin and install it from disk in AS Meerkat Canary 9 

What gives? Feel free to look at the code for my plugin

- build.gradle
- plugin.xml



It is a known issue in Plugin Verifier. There is an issue when verifying Android Studio or Android plugins. The issue is under investigation.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Karol Lewandowski Thanks for the information. We run into this problem as well while delivering our plugin's latest version to IntelliJ Marketplace. We are now waiting the fix for it, before re-submitting. Which of the issue tickets you recommend us to follow so we would get an update when the fix is available?


I really hope this gets fixed before the release of Meerkat, or else my plugin is kaput due to compatibility changes I need to get published


Fix has landed to Plugin Verifier. I am expecting a new release and integration with JetBrains Marketplace in coming days.


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