Handling library modifications before the IDE is loaded
I'm working on a plugin for Jetbrains IDEs that adds support for working with MicroPython. One of the plugin's features is a built-in stub package manager that let's the users select and activate board and version specific stub packages for better code analysis.
In order to achieve this I have to work with the library table. However, I've ran into a problem. If the library is modified too early, before the IDE is fully loaded/indexed the library change might have no effect and instead an different package that was attached previously will get applied.
In order to prevent this I tried to use DumbService.getInstance(project).smartInvokeLater
but this seems to have changed nothing.
I'm considering creating a start-up activity and having it repeatedly check the library every 5-10 seconds and then calling the updateLibrary() method whenever there is a mismatch between the library selected by the user and between the library that is actually loaded. But I want to ask, is there a better way to work with the libraries in order to solve this problem?
Here is the the function I have currently:
fun updateLibrary() {
val settings = project.service<MpySettingsService>()
val activeStubPackage = settings.state.activeStubsPackage
val availableStubs = getAvailableStubs()
DumbService.getInstance(project).smartInvokeLater {
ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction {
val projectLibraryTable = LibraryTablesRegistrar.getInstance().getLibraryTable(project)
val projectLibraryModel = projectLibraryTable.modifiableModel
for (library in projectLibraryModel.libraries) {
if (library.name == LIBRARY_NAME) {
if (settings.state.areStubsEnabled &&
!activeStubPackage.isNullOrBlank() &&
) {
val newLibrary = projectLibraryModel.createLibrary(LIBRARY_NAME, PythonLibraryType.getInstance().kind)
val newModel = newLibrary.modifiableModel
val rootUrl = "$stubsPath/$activeStubPackage"
val virtualFile = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByPath(rootUrl)
newModel.addRoot(virtualFile!!, OrderRootType.CLASSES)
val module = ModuleManager.getInstance(project).modules.first()
val moduleModel = ModifiableModelsProvider.getInstance().getModuleModifiableModel(module)
} else {
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