It seems that Vue and TypeScript support is completely broken

I have no idea what is going on, but TS support in Vue files in our large monorepo has completely broken down to the point where it is unusable.

We have issues with errors that should not be there, to it missing absolutely simple errors like passing the wrong type in a function.

If we switch to Auto for the engine, all errors go away.

If we switch to TypeScript, we get all kinds of craziness.

I've tried setting the Language Server to the latest published one (2.2).

I have tried versions back to 2024.1 right up to the 2025.1 EAP.

Nothing works.

What's going on?



Could you please enable the Auto option, re-open the project and share the logs from the language service  (collected via Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data….) within a support ticket

To enable verbose service logging please go to Help | Diagnostic Tools | Debug Log Settings… and add #com.intellij.platform.lsp to the Custom Debug Configuration window.

Then restart the IDE, reproduce the issue, and collect the IDE logs. 


This is very strange – I'm not sure what's happened since doing that; everything seems to be working as it should 🤯

The only difference I see is that the internal Language Server has updated to 2.1.6 (it was 1.7 or something before).

It also doesn't seem to work if “Use types from server (Beta)” is selected.

It seems SUPER slow though. Anything from 2 - 5 seconds to update on an M3 with 36GB RAM, just when changing a function argument to the wrong type.

Submitting request now.



The suport tiket page appears to be broken. It has a heading, but no content.


The log shows that the service fails with "JavaScript heap out of memory". 
Please could you check if giving the language server more memory make things any better?

  • in Help | Find action..., type registry...
  • open Registry..., locate typescript.service.lsp.node.arguments key there (you can start typing property name to navigate to it)
  • add --max_old_space_size option there (--max_old_space_size=8096, for example)



I'm not sure.

What I am sure about was that WebStorm took 22 seconds on an M3 with 36GB RAM to remove an error squigglie on a usage of a Vue component's prop when I modified the underlying prop's type in the file in the next tab.

Shall I send more logs?


Yes, the logs collected right after reproducing the issue would be appreciated.

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