IntelliJ plugin development - add whitespace manually
I'm working on a plugin which generates code. I would like to add an annotation to a generated class. I use PsiElementFactory to create the annotation and then I call
psiClass.addBefore(annotation, psiClass.firstChild)
The command succeed, however, the code looks like this:
@MyAnnotation public SomeClass{
So the annotation is on the same line as the class declaration. And calling
doesn't change this (code style is set properly).
So the question is how can I do that? How can I add a line break after the annotation or before the class?
I also generate methods where I also would like to add additional line break between lines of code. For example:
public void run() {
Thanks for help in advance.
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Okay, I found out the annotation part.
I've just needed to call
on the psiClass.
However, I'm still interested how I can add whitespace (especially line break) where I find it necessary.
I think you want to look at PsiParserFacade.