Can't sign into Azure DB with Datagrip, but can with SMSS
The error I've gotten to is below. Does anyone have any suggestions on what needs to be fixed? I've replicated the settings I had in SMSS to get to that point, but from my googling about, it looks like we need to add the application to our Azure database, but our sys admin has no idea on what that entails.
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@Melaniehopkins Could you send full IDE logs to me to ? Also, what to you have in Advanced tab of your data source settings?
Here is the settings in Advanced:
I also attached this to the email I sent.
It looks like we're missing some additional jar files that are mentioned here
As a temporary workaround you need to add them to your Azure driver:

I'm having the same issue, but i'm not sure which files are needed from the specified link.
One of the files i found was the JDBC driver already in use by DataGrip. The other was a link to a github repository of an unbuilt library for Azure AD authentication.
Could you please specify the jar files mentioned?
Best regards
I am getting the same issue from the first post ... even after I loaded the extra drivers. Any workaround?
Could you specify your Authentication Mode(ActiveDirectoryIntegrated, ActiveDirectoryPassword)?
You can set authentication mode in your data source settings Advanced tab:

Did you load as additional jar files?
See the following articles for details:
I'm using ActiveDirectoryPassword as authentication, which gives me "com/microsoft/aad/adal4j/AuthenticationException".
The links listed above have lead me to the Github page for adal4j, but i've been unable to build the jar file with all dependencies. I've spent an evening trying to get the maven build script to work, but as i'm not a java developer my knowledge of that build flow is very limited.
If somebody has the built jar file (or if the jar file could be included in DataGrip) I would be very grateful.
You can several jar files, e.g.:

I now get this error ... will Jetbrains be coming out with a fix soon?
any information about how this can be resolved? what additional files need to be imported? it's very unclear what to do
@Jukub Holovsky Follow articles in comment
@vasily yeah but the comment is quite unclear, what additional JAR files are we supposed to load?
Any update on this?
To connect with AD read:
@Vasily Chernov,
Could you give us a hard link to the exact package you need us to include? If you can't give us a link, could you explain why?
I would really like to use DataGrip with azure DB's, but you're not making it easy.
@Vasily Chernov,
Yes, we are all having the exact same problem. Please post steps 1, 2, 3 ... seems like you know what we are all talking about.
I was able to set up a connection on Mac OS. I wrote a step-by-step How-To that should work for all OSes.
I hope this helps!
Thank you Cole Kelley, that worked!
Followed Cole's guide and did not work. I get the following.
The specified database user/password combination is rejected: {"error_description":"AADSTS50076: Due to a configuration change made by your administrator, or because you moved to a new location, you must use multi-factor authentication to access '022907d3-0f1b-48f7-badc-1ba6abab6d66'. Trace ID: b3867d09-0dfb-42a4-bca0-3d5bf7b8a500 Correlation ID: d8819385-6c56-4cd8-8f5e-77f4b335780b Timestamp: 2020-06-01 08:39:21Z","error":"interaction_required","error_uri":"https:\/\/\/error?code=50076"}
Hello vasily chernov, for a paid product the support is a bit lacking. Don't you think? People are paying you guys to do the stuff you are describing here in a very vague way. Please release a version with those jar files in the product. Otherwise, stop selling this. This in not an open source project! People are paying money for it. //:cc Hadi Hariri
@... Thanks for the ping. Will follow-up internally.
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