Slow, unresponsive after update to High Sierra 10.13.5?


I just updated to High Sierra 10.13.5.

Suddenly, it (Version 2018.1.4 (IU-181.5087.20)), is now super slow and constantly hanging for me.

Noticed high CPU usage too.

Anyone facing the same problem?

Anything I can do to debug?


Please try 2018.1.5 RC from

If issue remains, file an issue at with CPU snapshots taken at the very moment of it's high usage. Also attach all IDE log folder zipped.


Oddly I tried disabling Mac's Dictation and its so much more responsive now.

Not sure whats the relation between them, but I disabled dictation cause I'm having some problems with it.

Here's what I did, System Preferences > Keyboard > Dictation -> Off

Restart Idea. It works better.

Turn it on, and restart Idea it's unresponsive again.


Thank you for the information. I have tried reproducing it on High Sierra, but I do not see such issue. Either way it would be very nice to check this case if you could file an issue at with CPU snapshot and all logs zipped. Thank you.


Disabling dictation didn't help. Changing font antialiasing from "subpixel" to "greyscale" and overriding font to ".SF NS Text" didn't help as well. I just installed the newest NVidia driver for High Sierra 10.13.5 from NVidia page (driver version: 387.

So far so good - all went back to normal finally!

Permanently deleted user

Wow, the dictation trick really worked for me. I wish there was a more rational solution though.


dictation trick kind of worked for me as well. Better experience but still lots worse experience than previous releases. This version 2018.3 is really working very slow. 


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