How do I un-set the settings repository?
I've entered a Github https URL as my settings repository, but don't want to use it any more. However, you cannot set the settings repository field to empty. Is there some way (maybe editing some config files) to remove it?
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If you do not want to use the feature at all, you can disable Settings Repository plugin.
You can also disable auto sync in Settings | Tools | Settings Repository.
Finally, you can go to IDE configuration directory, locate there settingsRepository folder and remove it - configured repo will be removed as well.
Your fix does not work. I've unset the setting and I still get the same error message in PyCharm.
And btw: Why not simply provide a button to "Unset the settings repository" from that pop-up? Would be much easier than going through tedious settings dialogs.
The actual fix is that you MUST disable the Settings Repository plugin in File | Settings | Plugins | Settings Repository.
Argh! The JetBrains Account synchronization just OVERWROTE my settings. WHY!?
Which error?
That's not necessary, the way suggested by Vladimir should work as well.
We have no idea. What exactly did you do that caused it?
This error message:
I've figured that not the JetBrain sync deleted all my setting, but removing the settings repository
And what I meant by saying that Vladimir's solution does not work: Even after removing settings repo here in the settings (see image above), I still get the same error message, (top image) when trying to select JetBrains Account Sync. Which means that I'm forced to disable the settings repository plugin in order to use the JetBrains Account sync if it was ever active before.
What I really want now is remove the settings repository without losing all my settings and transitioning to the JetBrains Account sync (more convenient). Is there any way to achieve this? Unfortunately, I cannot even export my settings as long as the Settings Repository plugin is connected to a repository. And I cannot import the settings from the repository either, because the folder structure is different.
By the time Vladimir wrote this message, there was no IDE Settings Sync plugin, so we had no clue it requires that the Settings Repository plugin is disabled. Sorry for misguiding you.
It's a bit of a PITA, but yes, there is a way.
When Settings Repository is enabled and configured, your settings are copied from
.In order to bring everything back, you need to copy:
After that, you can remove the
folder and disable the plugin. You might wanna backup the whole.PyCharm2019.2
before you perform anything above, just in case.The described steps do not work. I tried them and still lost my keymap and other options when removing the settings repository. Please provide an option to directly transition from the settings repository to JetBrains Sync. I've wasted enough time now with this failing transition and I'm staying with the Settings Repository for now until you fix this.
Same here guys - I never set that settings repo the plugin can not be disabled and I can't import manually - I get the same dialog as Frustrating
I tried the PITA steps.
At first it didn't seem to work because I hadn't noticed that configuration directory has moved. See new locations:
After that it is working (at least keymaps aren't gone, didn't check more). I did remove the plugin in the beginning and used a backup of the config folder, I don't know if that's relevant.
So altogether it took me more than 30 minutes to export a keymap, which is less than ideal...
(P.s. I got an error later about, not sure if I did something wrong there, but it was resolved by deleting it from the directory).
@Mark Verleg
>(P.s. I got an error later about, not sure if I did something wrong there, but it was resolved by deleting it from the directory).
Deleting that file is the right thing to do.
> It's a bit of a PITA, but yes, there is a way.
Thanks for this approach. It wasn't too bad, and just worked for me on Rubymine 2020.2. The paths were different for me on Mac. And I don't just mean "the path to find my Jetbrains folder", which is `~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/`. I mean the paths inside the Jetbrains folder were different.
I think these would be the correct settings for mac (or maybe just later versions of Jetbrains products? at least it worked for me):
In order to bring everything back, you need to copy:
This is a bit late but the previous comment actually works.
Please note that to keep your keymaps, you need to copy the folders with underscore prefix to "JetBrains/[ProductName]/options then remove the underscore.
In my case, I copied "JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2023.2/settingsRepository/repository/_mac" folder to "JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2023.2/options/mac".