Can you export IntelliJ keymap scheme and use it on WebStorm?


As you can see the title I'm wondering if you can export your custom keymap scheme from intellij and use it on webstorm. Thanks for the answers in advance!


Hi, please check:

Also, it's possible to export settings via File | Export settings.

Permanently deleted user

This document doesn't actually answer the original question.  Is it possible to sync/share keymaps between apps (e.g. IntelliJ and WebStorm), and if so, how? 


Yes, keymaps are shared as part of the settings sync, and can be synced across different IDEs

From the mentioned doc:

  • IDE Settings Sync: it utilizes the JetBrains server, so no additional configuration is required. Note that synced settings are linked to your JetBrains Account, so they will not be available to other team members, and are only useful to share settings between different IDE instances used by you.

    The settings you can sync include: IDE themes, keymaps, color schemes, system settings, UI settings, menus and toolbars settings, project view settings, editor settings, code completion settings, parameter name hints, live templates, code styles, and the list of enabled and disabled plugins.

  • settings repository: it allows you to sync any configurable components (except for the list of enabled and disabled plugins), but requires setting up a Git repository with the settings you want to share.

    This option is useful if you want to implement the same settings among your team-members. also describes how to configure the sync.


I'm only adding to this ticket because I'm not experiencing what is described above, even as recently as 2 weeks ago.

Based on everything stated above, including the question and answer from Aug-12-2020, I should be able to transfer my modified Keymap from IntelliJ to WebStorm via the IDE Settings Sync. I don't even mind doing it manually (although I'd prefer the ongoing automatic sync), but currently, my modified Keymap is not being transferred.

Should I add this as a bug? Thanks!


Here is my IntelliJ Keymap selection.

Here is my IntelliJ IDE Settings Sync info.

Here are my WebStorm Keymap options.

Here is my WebStorm IDE Settings Sync info.

Both applications were installed through the JetBrains Toolbox, and therefore, should sync with each other. At least that is my understanding. I have also restarted WebStorm (and invalidated caches), with no success.


Hi, it's a known issue, please follow


Thanks, the settings repository worked for me to synchronize my settings from IntelliJ to PyCharm (File > Manage IDE Settings > Settings repository...).

Some tips for the "settings repository":

  • One can use a git repository in a local folder. To create a git repo in a folder, use "git init --bare".
  • Be careful with the direction of the synchronization. From your source IDE select "Overwrite Remote", such that the repo is filled with the IDE's settings. From your target IDE (where settings should be imported) select "Overwrite Local", such that the settings of the git repo overwrite this IDE's settings.
  • A restart of PyCharm was required for the changes to take effect. Afterwards, I was promted to installed missing Keymaps and so I did. After a second restart, everything is working fine now.

I've found a workaround. Here are the steps that worked for me:

1. Export setting into a zip file
2. Unarchive the file and copy needed keymaps from `keymaps` folder
3. Go to `/Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/WebStorm2021.2/jba_config/mac.keymaps` (on Window/Linux location will be different)
4. Paste your XML files with keymaps settings and restart the IDE
5. Find imported keymaps and apply the change


Thank you Volodymyr. That is the only method that worked for me. 


In my case, I was trying to use the Webstorm keymap that was based on VSCode's binds: 

When I imported it into Intellij, it didn't show as based on anything, and was missing most binds. 

None of the suggested workarounds (including manually copying the keymap XML) worked for me. 

Turns out I was missing the VSCode keymap in Intellij. Installing it through the plugins menu solved the issue.



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