Is it possible to disable the Resource Bundle Editor?
As the resource bundle editor seems to have multiple issues, I would like to disable it and instead edit the files in a regular editor. Is that possible?
The problem is, that the features of this editor are causing more problems than they solve:
- Commenting properties for languages which are not translated cannot be done. Properties get lost and the comment will simply be uncommented.
- Edited values sporadically are not written to the property file when changing its value or renaming it.
- The functionality which tells someone that a property is not used only recognizes Java files. When properties are used in markup files this is not recognized and the editor still says 'Unused property'. The hint therefore is misleading and makes this feature useless.
- The view of the editor doesn't seem to be updated properly. Adding, editing or removing properties often is not correctly reflected in the view.
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There is no way to disable resource bundle editor completely. But you can edit each of properties file separately. Just open one of them.
I believe that 2nd and 4th points are bugs, so could you please file them to our issue tracker? And describe steps to reproduce if it's possible.
About 3rd point: What languages do you use? BTW you can disable unused property inspection.
Try disabling the Properties Support plug-in:
I also thought of that and it is working. However this disables support for a couple of other features as well, especially Maven and Ant support. Isn't there a different way to disable this?
And can't understand the point about commenting. Could you please clarify?
Ok, I will report the issues as soon as I can.
Regarding the comments, there is an old issue which kind of describes it:
And the Eclipse Resource Bundle editor supports this:
This is a very helpful way for keeping track of those properties which still need to be translated.
In IntelliJ IDEA you're allowed to press alt+enter when some property is selected in the resource bundle editor tree and then choose "Ignore untranslated locales" fix. I believe it's better than source code pollution.
OK, good to know.
However, using this method allows us to automatically generate delta files by searching for the 'TODO' markers which will then be given to a translation office afterwards. And in order not to have a 'poluted' resource bundle a Unit Test checks in the end if there are any TODOs left.
Without the possibility to make comments all of this is not possible.
Both of cases can be covered by code inspection. We can provide "incomplete property translations" as an inspection and you will able to run it using "Analyze | Run inspection by name". Is it cover your needs?
The problem of this solution is that this cannot be triggered through our usual build process which is executed on our Jenkins Server using Ant Tasks.
BTW, I have forgotten to answer your previous question regarding what language we use:
It's a Java project working with the Wicket Framework. In this Framework language resources can directly be loaded from within the HTML markup using a special tag or attribute.
I too, would like to be able to turn this off!!
We have a HUGE amount of translation resources as .properties files, and each is about 2MB in size. Opening one of them essentially freezes IntelliJ. I did disable the Properties Support as someone suggested, but then the Maven Projects also disappear, and I don't want this.
Running IntelliJ Ultimate 2018.1
Hi. It sounds like a performance problem, please raise a ticket at with complete log folder compressed including ThreadDump directory: