runnerw.exe Error 216
I'm having problems finding the source of this error. I installed Goland through the JetBrains toolbox and installed the newest version of GO.
If you need more information let me know, because I'm unsure what information is even relevant to this issue.
runnerw.exe: CreateProcess failed with error 216 (no message available)
Process finished with exit code 216
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Please attach the source code of the program you're trying to run
I'm just trying to run some example code for testing.
You cannot run file with testing2 package name:
Oh, well I'm just an idiot. Thank you very much.
No problem. IDE should provide better error message in this case, indeed.
I am new to glang. So I install GoLand and created a simple "Hello World" project. GoLand by default, creates a "awesomeProject" and uses that as the package name. Then when I try to run the simple app, I get the error listed about. So my question is, why should I purchase GoLand if it cannot tell me what I am going wrong?
Hi Collin,
Highlighting an error in absolutely valid and compilable file is not the obvious thing, I think we'll do something about this particular this error, but there is always a trade-off between highlighting everything that IDE can highlight and allowing a user deal with their code as they want without bothering theirs.
As for purchasing, GoLand has a lot of features that will help you develop your programs in Go, JS and other languages, and it has 30-days period so you can try all of them and then decide whether you need it. For example, please see the release notes for the latest Early Public update:
Btw, `New | Go File | Simple Application` will create a file with a `main` package.
Alexander Zolotov,Thanks,I'm new guy in golang,your answer saved my time.