Detailed docs on .idea settings (aka Project Model)

Hi folks,

I'm currently trying to write a node.js module that enables easy manipulation of idea settings. That will ease the process of automated project setup and could massively benefit your platform (that I love btw. ;).

I already figured that this information must be hidden somewhere in the Project Model code. Is there a xsd or any specific Java Class that holds an overview of the project model details? 

Is there any detailed documentation you could refer to/provide? Thanks a lot for helping out.




There is no xsd for files under .idea. It's hard to create such a scheme because many plugins including third-party ones contribute to the content of these files.

It's better to consider format of settings files as internal thing; sometimes it's changed between IntelliJ IDEA version. So it's better to access the project configuration and settings via IntelliJ's Java API. You can look here for documentation about Project Structure API.

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Hi Nikolay,

thanks so far.

Is there any particular Java Classes you could refer to? Any Unit Tests or fixtures? Any starting point/reference would be helpful. Otherwise I'd have to reverse engineer everything...




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