Unable to see Problems Tool Window in GoLand



I am evaluating GoLand 2018.1.5. I have always liked Jetbrains and the IDE is very helpful.


However, I am unable to see the "Problems Tool Window" and this makes it difficult for me to evaluate my entire project on GoLand. My other IDE option is VS Code which has a "Problems" pane to view project wide problems.


I searched a bit and always ended up Setting(Preferences since MacOS) >> Compiler >> Make project automatically. OR View >> Tools Window >> Problems.


But I am unable to find any of those options. I do not have a 'Compiler' option in Preferences nor do i have a 'Problems' options in Tools Window.


I would really like to continue using GoLand but I really need the "Problems" pane to work for that.


Any help is appreciated. I am attached screenshots for both windows.







Official comment

GoLand does not have a panel that's called Problems.

If you wish to see issues with your code, you can create a Run Configuration which doesn't need to launch the binary via "Run | Edit Configurations... | + | Go Build" and run this as often as you need.

The IDE will always highlight the problems in your current file, and allow you to navigate to the next error via shortcut "Navigate | Next Highlighted Error" or "Navigate | Previous Highlighted Error".

We have a ticket to create this type of functionality, https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/GO-4618. Feel free to explain in that issue why this is a feature you need.

Permanently deleted user


Thanks Florin for the quick response. I will try out what you suggested and see if that works for me!

Permanently deleted user

But why "Problems Tool Window" is include in "GoLand 2018.2 Help" ?



This is probably a mistake and will be corrected soon. GoLand should not have that panel documented as it's not currently present in our editor.


I landed on this topic when searching for the same - I want to see all problems in my code immediately as I type. Now I am searching for a function just to show these problems for about 10 minutes. This is not the greatest first impression of an IDE.

I can run my code anytime to check for errors, yes? Maybe, but on MacOS this is super annoying, because the default option+R hotkey results in a symbol: ® and it does not run my program. I tried to change it, but sorry cmd+F6 is super uncomfortable and I will not do this.

I found that I can inspect my code to see all errors, but I beg you, why do you make me click through some tree-like structure to see problems in my code?

I think my GoLand evaluation ends now. I will give it a try in 2 years.


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