Weird errno 6 error/ Gradle no longer works within intellij without admin




Just yesterday everything was working fine but today when running the refresh task to reimport my changes the console gave me this error Could not start 'C:\Dev\Java\jdk1.8.0_161\bin\java.exe': could not get std handle (errno 6) and I didn't find any clues after searching for iy but to no avail.


However it does work when I run IntelliJ as administrator(Also gradle works outside of intellij when run through the terminals commands). Does anyone know the specifics of this issue or if there are any other information I can provide to help?


Thank you for reading and sorry for wasting any time.



Some specs that I forgot to add

OS: Windows 10 Home 64Bit

Java: Oracle JDK 8 Update 161

IntelliJ Ver: 2017.3.4 Community

Permanently deleted user

I'm having the exact same problem, I was just using it a few days ago and everything worked fine, but today I'm getting this same error. I didn't change anything since then, but IntelliJ did update itself, so I'm wondering if it has something to do with that.

Also, I'm getting this error with both 2018.1 EAP on my desktop and 2017.3.4 on my laptop.

Permanently deleted user

I am having the same issue in 2017.3.4 (Ultimate). It seemed to fail suddenly when I checked out another git branch at around 7:30pm UTC yesterday (March 1st) and I've since done a bit of research that came up empty:

The only mention of this error through Google I can find is within this source code: I failed to resolve the issue, but I've tried reinstalling IntelliJ, Gradle and Java. It also fails on both Java 8 and 9.

I can still run gradle with no issues outside the IDE, or in the terminal. This means it's presumably an issue with IntelliJ.

Thanks for the pointer about running it as admin, I hadn't tried that and it does seem to fix the issues.

Permanently deleted user

Got the same issue as well, plus some more non functioning gradle tasks. When I run the exact same tasks on Command Line, all works fine. Administrator only helps with the errno 6 error and I can only sync the project, not build by gradle. When I try to build by gradle from IntelliJ, i get Error running javac compiler


I tried running the "build", "jar" and "assemble" tasks after starting IntelliJ as admin and all three seem to work on my end so I'm not quite sure about that one.


Also update about some specs that I forgot to add

OS: Windows 10 Home 64Bit

Java: Oracle JDK 8 Update 161

IntelliJ Ver: 2017.3.4 Community

Permanently deleted user

I have a similar issue.  When i try to create a sample gradle project, it fails with the same error message. 

OS: Windows 7 

Java : java version "1.8.0_152"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-b16)

Unfortunately, i cannot try with admin as i don't have admin privileges. 

Permanently deleted user

Same here guys...


Thank you my good sir I was not aware there was an issue already :D

Permanently deleted user

Got the same issue, as a workaround i'm using menu "File" -> "Invalidate Caches / Restart" and works. But the best option is start IntelliJ IDEA from Start menu as @Victor Kropp mentioned in issue.


@Ondrej Bajcsi You saved my day. 
Thanks for the ticket #.


I am also getting the same error. I find this error in the new version 2018.1 Public Preview.


Have you updated Toolbox? Do you face this issue if you run IDE directly, without toolbox?


The issue does not happen if I open it from the start menu and not with toolbox. I checked my toolbox and it is the latest version.


Seems you are using the latest stable version 1.7.*. Fix is included in the nearest update 1.8.*:

Permanently deleted user

I had the exact issue since yesterday in my gradle projects, did not update anything. Then I installed Toolbox 1.8.3678 and Intellij 2018.1 and the issue is still there. As mentioned in the issue, starting Intellij from Startmenu and not from Toolbox is a workaround.

Permanently deleted user

Hi, I installed the new toolbox and it started working without the new idea. Yesterday I installed idea 2018.1 and it works as well.
It's weird that for some of us it works and for others don't. :/
Anyhow guys, check the youtrack issue and comment there, maybe there is some manual fix for this. Clearing cache or whatever.
Good luck

Permanently deleted user

This issue can be solved like this:


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